Tuesday, June 19, 2007


If you are not a dog person, or at least have a pet that you love... the following might make you think I am crazy!

Jackson has had a bad week, while we were at Dad's house for Fathers Day and he was swimming and playing in the water all day. You know how your toes and finger tips get all wrinkled and soggy when you spend too much time in the water? Well, it happens to dogs too!

While that skin on his paws was all soggy and wrinkled, he ran up the gravel drive and ripped his paw pads open. He can hardly walk now! I took him to the vet yesterday and they can't do much about it except tell me not to let him run and to keep him resting! NO PROBLEM DOC, he can't walk! The paws are bleeding a little now and he is walking with his toes all curled up so he doesn't put the middle of his foot down. It is pretty miserable looking. I have cried a lot trying to get him to eat and go out to potty. I realize he is a dog, blah blah blah, but he is MY dog and I love him!

I am not sure I should ever have children, I was a mess at the vet and each time I see him try to walk to his bed or his food, I cry! The vet said it was like if we had 3rd degree burns on the whole bottom of our feet! OUCH! I cried today and yesterday when I left for work, and I cried when he wouldn't go potty this morning. He is eating at least ow and he is drinking again, I know those are good things, maybe it won't take much longer to heal.

I am sure that he will be as crazy as ever in just a few more days! I am excited to take him back to swim! HE LOVES IT!
This is Jackson at the Dog Swim at the end of last pool season at the city pool.

This is Jackson's pool!


Anonymous said...

He is such a cute doggie!! I am so sorry you are sad and I hope he is feeling better soon!!

Anonymous said...

He is such a cute doggie!! I am so sorry that you are sad and I hope that he is feeling better real soon!!