Monday, January 29, 2007


Well, here we are in the third week of school. I am getting into a
routine and schedule. It is hard working full time and going to school
three days a week. Some of the people I work with don't get how much
work my classes require, they are in school one day a week! I am not
sure how my mom made it through her bachelor's degree with 3 kids,
and a fulltime job and school work. Maybe she is super woman!!

The fist three days of the week are the worst and then the rest of the
week just sails by. Monday I work from 8:15-4:45pm, rush home for an
hour to let Jackson out and eat dinner, then I head to school for a
6:30-9:30pm class. On Tuesdays I usually work from 9-5 and then head
to grab something to eat and then its off to school for a 6:30-9:30
class. Then on Wednesdays I am at work from 9-5, I come home for a
little while and then I have home team. Last week by about 8:30pm at
home team, I was so tired I could hardly stay awake. I was asleep by
10:30pm. Thursdays are better with a lab at 10am and
work from 1-9. I feel like I am never at home! My time at home, alone,
is the time I get rest and energy to carry on throughout the week, so I
have been feeling a bit tired and ready to sleep when the time comes!

My classes are good and I am enjoying them. I am still studying like
crazy for my Drug Calculation test at the end of February. I will be
glad when that is over! I am calculating IV drip flow rates in my sleep.
I am not kidding! I think about the formulas all of the time, I guess that is a
good thing since I need to know them for the test.

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